The rules
Who can enter?
Anyone, of any age, from anywhere. You can work alone or in teams.
What is Axie Infinity IP?
Axie Infinity IP is a piece of intellectual property of Sky Mavis. Assets can be characters, worlds, etc. that Sky Mavis has ownership and rights to.
What is the theme?
The theme is set at the start of submission phase for all participants to follow and make your game fit the theme. Each year will have its own theme for participants to compete.
What can I make my game in?
Anything, provided you can upload a file that runs on Windows or Web browsers, and doesn't require any additional hardware or software. Since this is a jam to build Axie game, please use our Axie Generator Tool Kit to make your game with our given assets.
Which assets can I use?
The game should be developed during the jam and use Axie Generator Tool Kit, you may use pre-existing code and can use additional art and audio assets you have the legal right to use.
When should I submit my game?
You can submit your game at any point after the submission begins. If you submit early, you can update the game at any time before the submission phase closes.
Who will judge the games?
Games will be judged by the public players and our judges. Our judges will then play the top voting games, then pick the final winners and editor's pick games. All of the results will be revealed when this process is over.
What will the game be judged on?
Games will be ranked against the following criteria: Game Design, Enjoyment, Graphics, and Innovation.
Is there a Discord I can join?
Yes! Please click here to gain access.
Last updated