Other assets you can get
Axie is the main character of Axie Infinity world, but not limit to it. We provide more options to help you easily design your own games with more characters and items.
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Axie is the main character of Axie Infinity world, but not limit to it. We provide more options to help you easily design your own games with more characters and items.
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What if you only want Axie characters to exist in your game without much in-depth design? We have 9 Starter Axies that you can use for different purposes. They are all accessed from Axie Generator Tool Kit as well.
Chimera has many combined characteristics of many creatures, but they are not divided into clear classes like Axie.
Compared to Axie, Chimera individuals appear more chaotic, not following any rules.
We have a set of item and skill assets that you can creatively design for your characters in your games. Please check for more details in the Axie Generator Tool Kit.