Unity Axie Tool Kit


This guideline will walk you through how to apply Unity Axie Tool Kit into your game. Please follow the below steps with the tutorial video and start your journey.


You need to prepare the following apps in your device before installation: your game project in Unity

How to use

  1. Open your game project.

  2. Import Spine runtime v3.8

    • All spine assets used (spine-unity 3.8 2021-11-10). You need to download it manually, and put it on Plugins folder.

    • In Unity 2020 or above, Spine import may not be compatible (It requires exporting the correct spine version which is v3.8.79). You can solve it by importing data in Unity 2019 project then copy the generated assets to your project.

  3. Import axie-gtk2d package.

    • There will be case generated Axies are in wrong colors. You can fix it by set color space to Gamma

  4. Add newtonsoft-json to Packages/manifest.json

    • Sometimes the project has imported another version of newtonsoft and will be conflicted. You can solve it by open Packages/manifest.json then edit version of "com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "2.0.0", to 2.0.2 or 3.0.2

  5. Replace player model by Axie.

  6. Replace enemy model by Chimera.

Last updated